Redirect Halaman Registrasi Joomla

Selamat datang di blog Panduan Belajar Website Lengkap . Berikut ini adalah update artikel terbaru mengenai informasi tentang Redirect Halaman Registrasi Joomla silahkan untuk membaca dengan seksama dan mohon untuk disikapi dengan bijaksana mengenai informasi di artikel Redirect Halaman Registrasi Joomla , semoga artikel tentang Redirect Halaman Registrasi Joomla dapat menambah wawasan serta info yang anda cari atau butuhkan. - Redirect Halaman Registrasi Joomla - To redirect user to a message page after registration, do the following.

In "Joomla/components/com_user/controller.php" replace line 288 with this:

$this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=96', $message);

NOTE: You will have to replace the "id=96" with the ID of your article which can be see in the article manager chart.

In the "index.php" of your template add this after the line with "<jdoc:include type="component"/>":

<?php if ($this->getBuffer('message')) : ?>
<div class="registration_accepted">
<p><jdoc:include type="message" /></p>
<?php endif; ?>

In your CSS use the "registration_accepted" class to format the div.

In the Joomla back end, create an article "Registration Accepted!" and in HTML editing mode insert:

<jdoc:include type="message" />

Also switch off all details like "author", "created date".

That's it!
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Judul: Redirect Halaman Registrasi Joomla
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