Winstep Xtreme v10.9 RePack

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Winstep Xtreme v10.9 RePack

Winstep Xtreme v10.9 RePack | 88 Mb

Winstep Xtreme - Replace the standard Windows shell with many
convenient features, which is sometimes sorely lacking in the standard
shell. Install the package you get at the disposal of several modules
(NextSTART, WorkShelf, FontBrowser, NeXuS), each of which
performs a specific task in the design of the shell and has its own unique
set of funktsiyay.

For example NextSTART module completely replaces the Start menu,
taskbar and system notification area (system tray), with not only replace,
but will allow you to use a variety of settings, which are not in the
standard Windows Explorer Windows. WorkShelf module is
a replacement desktop, FontBrowser - handy viewer fonts,
NeXuS - multilevel Quick access to frequently used applications.

Supported OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7


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